Welcome to Amanda Clements - our Head of HSQ & ESG!

Amanda's mission is to help great teams do extraordinary things. She has a wealth of expertise with over 18 years’ experience working across health, safety, quality, and sustainability in a range of organisations, including in Tier-1 construction. Amanda adopts a human centred approach informed by her studies in diverse fields including safety science, psychology, sustainability, risk and business management.

Amanda is also the Founder & CEO of The Collective Lab - a for-impact social enterprise that aims to enhance workplace performance while prioritising the wellbeing of people by applying innovative methods for accelerating positive change in workplaces.

At Kapitol, Amanda will be responsible for guiding the adoption and implementation of the highest levels of health, safety, quality and ESG across our organisation and projects, with a focus on strategising, innovation and optimising performance.

On Amanda's appointment, Kapitol Director Dave Caputo explains "our decision to bring someone of Amanda’s calibre on board demonstrates our continued investment in developing Kapitol and helping to improve the construction industry for a better life ."

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