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Not overlooking safety!
We have well embedded practices for protecting people from the most critical risks, however we are constantly focused on raising the standards across all activities and worksites.
PPE for example is considered the norm, however that doesn't mean it is being consistently or adequately utillised on site. Luke Wade, our Operations Manager, emphasises the critical importance of PPE. He sheds light on the fact that even a 1% lapse in adhering to safety measures can have life-altering consequences.
Our commitment to safety is unwavering across all our sites. We engage, we listen and we take continual feedback on board to make sure live and breathe our values.
We have well embedded practices for protecting people from the most critical risks, however we are constantly focused on raising the standards across all activities and worksites.
PPE for example is considered the norm, however that doesn't mean it is being consistently or adequately utillised on site. Luke Wade, our Operations Manager, emphasises the critical importance of PPE. He sheds light on the fact that even a 1% lapse in adhering to safety measures can have life-altering consequences.
Our commitment to safety is unwavering across all our sites. We engage, we listen and we take continual feedback on board to make sure live and breathe our values.
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